This week is national Self Care Week. Self-care varies from person to person and day to day - it can be as simple as getting out of bed and changing into fresh clothes or taking a shower, to something more full-on like a pamper night or indulging in a yummy takeaway. Whatever your self-care is, it is important to take the time to do it. It helps with mental health, and can help improve your self-esteem too! Here are some of our top self-care tips to take on board.
1. Talk to a friend or family member, sometimes even just a kind text or a phone call can really lift your mood!
2. Put on a fierce set of lingerie or a killer outfit. When I’m feeling a little down, I love dressing up in things that make me feel great!
3. If you’re not in the mood for dressing up, let yourself be comfortable. Put on some fresh pjs or jogging bottoms and curl up with a blanket and a hot drink. Calming teas or a hot chocolate can do a world of wonders.
4. Take a shower. Breathe the steam in deeply to relax yourself, and try to imagine the water is washing all the negativity down the drain.
5. Let yourself cry if you need to! Holding in emotions doesn’t do anybody any favours, so let it out. Cry, scream, laugh – whatever you need to do.
6. Get outside if you can. Sometimes a bit of fresh air can help you clear your head and improve your mood. Pop down to your local park, take the dog for a walk, or just nip down to the shops – especially if it’s sunny!
7. Indulge in some pampering. I’m talking bubble baths, face masks, full-body moisturising, doing your nails. Taking care of your body will help you to take care of your mind, so you’ll look and feel great!
8. Take up a new hobby. Painting or drawing, photography, writing poetry, blogging, whatever takes your fancy! Learning new things and increasing your productivity will help you feel better.
9. Treat yourself to some yummy food. Order your favourite takeaway or cook your favourite meal if you have the energy. Good food improves your mood, and will fuel your body.
10. Be kind to yourself! It’s okay to have bad days and lose motivation sometimes, but remind yourself how fabulous you are! You’ve made it through 100% of your bad days so far, you can make it through this one too.

There are so many things you can do for self-care; these are just some of our favourite ideas. It’s important to remember that even mundane, everyday things can be beneficial, it doesn’t have to be anything extravagant or costly. Taking any medication you have prescribed, booking an appointment at the doctor’s for something you’ve been putting off, doing laundry, or just cleaning your room. The list is endless!
What do you do for self-care? If we’ve missed any of your go-to activities, let us know in the comments below or on our social channels.
LJ x